Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

Zomato Website Statistics

zomato website statistics

Zomato.com was registered 1 decade 5 months ago. it has a alexa rank of #1,704 in the world. it is a domain having .com extension. this site has a google pagerank of. Zomato.com ranks #557 in the world and generates 3.8 million page views for daily. freewebsitereport estimates zomato.com for a valuation of $8.4 million. Zomato.com is the 671:th largest website within the world. the website is created in 24/02/2006, owned.

Indian startup pays $50 million to compete with Yelp - Jan. 12, 2015

Indian startup pays $50 million to compete with yelp - jan. 12, 2015

Splendour eye: Zomato - your search for best local restaurant should ...

Splendour eye: zomato - your search for best local restaurant should

Zomato update shows restaurant reviews from your friends | Latest Tech ...

Zomato update shows restaurant reviews from your friends | latest tech

What is zomato? what purpose does it serve? who is hungry enough to do this?. How popular is zomato? get traffic statistics, rank by category and country, engagement metrics and demographics for zomato at alexa.. Usage statistics for zomato. this page provides information about the usage of the zomato project, including summaries across all versions and details for each.

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